While pyxel Edit also allows for animation, the animation tools there are in no way as strong as the ones in aseprite. I haven't used aseprite in a while now, but last time I did, it had a set of really good tools to control the frames of your animation.

If you're more interested in charsets and animation, aseprite is probably a better paid choice. so I can see any ugly edges right on the canvas and fix them.

I used to hate working on autotiles before, but since I arranged a "test area" of carefully set up tiles on a canvas, I can basically just draw the autotile however I want it to be and the tiles on the canvas already spell out all the combinations of curves and connections the maker would create from the autotile as I draw in it. This really cuts down the time it takes to get tiles to look seamless or to work with more complex tilesets like autotiles. You want to have a row of rocky cliffs north of the grass? just place another row of the same tile there, draw in it and you can see in real time, if it creates seams with itself or the grass tiles. So, for example, you place down grass tiles next to each other, edit one of them and all of the grass tiles are updated in real time. but above all, it gives you a neat tool to place tiles on your canvas and basically build the map on your canvas the same way you would in the engine. It comes with all the standard pixel art tools, plus layers, selection tools, animation, etc. Pyxel Edit is in my optinion the best paid choice, if you want to create complex tiles and tilesets to build your maps with. I have tried out a bunch (aseprite, pyxel Edit, Pro Motion NG, Pixelmash). Piskel is a little simpler, but has the advantage that you can just use it in your browser, wherever you are.

I never used graphicsgale myself, but it has a big fanbase, I have heard, and comes with a ton of pixel art specific tools. If you want tools that are made particularly for pixelart, there are also some free ones to try out, like graphicsgale, or There is good free software out there that lets you do the basic stuff, like GIMP, or just plain old paint.